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The time I spent in Belize was life-changing in every aspect.

Words fall so short of my actual experience. It was the most real and involved situation I have ever been in up until this point, and I’ve utilized the knowledge I gained over and over again. Belize now feels like my second home and the team feels like my family. The whole team was so involved while I was there, and they’re still part of my life today. I honestly don’t know how the direction of my life would have gone if I hadn’t gone to Belize!”

– Helen Sung, UCLA

This was an eye-opening and life-changing experience.

When I arrived, I only had a vague idea what to expect. This trip, however, gave me SO much more than that. The trip was amazing because of the variety of the work we did, but more importantly, the persistence and passion the team has for their work. This made me love Belize even more. I will always carry my memory of Belize with me!”

– Katherine Zhou, Boston Massachusetts

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